
Why You Should Become an ACE Member


  • • Access to our popular member-only ‘Hot Topic’ webinars

    • Access to member-only Listserve

    • Access to member-only section of the ACE Website

    • Discount registration fees to attend the ACE Annual Meeting and International Oncology Leadership Conference (IOLC)

    • Opportunity to serve on a professional committee

    • Access to professional contact information for oncology administrator colleagues nationwide 

    • Opportunity to apply for the ACE Administrative Fellowship Program

  • The ACE Administrative Fellowship Program is a unique one-year program for qualified cancer leaders.

    The program is designed to cultivate executive leaders by promoting excellence and enhancing skills in leadership for both business and clinical management aspects of oncology administration. ACE Fellows gain a deeper understanding of community and academic cancer center operations while working with leaders and other ACE Fellows on high impact projects that disseminate emerging and innovative oncology management best practices to the greater cancer care community.

    Applications are due by October 30th each year.

  • The Association of Cancer Executives promotes educational and networking opportunities at the ACE Annual Conference. This premier event is open to all oncology administrators and is the most comprehensive gathering of its kind.

    The ACE Annual Meeting brings together peers, industry leaders and experts to address a wide variety of timely oncology related issues. Meeting attendees also enjoy social networking events and learn about the industry’s newest products andservices in the ACE Expo Hall.

    Members will also receive a discount registration to attend the International Oncology Leadership Conference. IOLC brings together oncology administrators from around the world to discuss current hot topics in oncology, to engage in valuable networking and to learn best practices.

  • Six standing committees with more than 75 members cover all keys areas for ACE. Committees play an integral role in developing future content for ACE programs, providing recommendations to the Board of Directors, developing publications, and carrying out the goals which support the mission of ACE. Committee participation is a member only benefit.

    • ACE Standing Committees

    • Bylaws & Elections

    • Conference Planning

    • Member Services

    • Membership

    • Communications & Marketing

    • Vendor Relations

    • Fellowship


ACE members represent a wide range of leading oncology institutions nationwide. Here is a sampling of titles from current members.

Administrative Manager | Administrator | Associate Director for Administration | Business Operations Manager | Chief Administrative Officer | Chief Nursing Officer | Clinical Administrative Director | Director of Nursing | Director, Cancer Radiation Center | Executive Director | Division Administrator | Patient Navigator | Program Coordinator of Cancer Services | Program Director | Project Manager | Radiation Oncology Manager | Senior Outreach Coordinator | Service Line Director | System VP Cancer Service Line | Vice President

Levels of Membership


    Delegate Members must have responsibility for at least one (1) functional oncology diagnostic or treatment area and/or serve the cancer community in a related administrative role. Delegates are encouraged to serve on ACE Standing Committees. Delegates are entitled to the full benefits of the organization including the right to vote and holding office on the ACE Board.

    Delegate Membership is $275.00 per year. The membership term runs one year from the date joined.


    Associate Members are those who, for whatever reason, do not meet the criteria for Delegate Membership, but contribute value to the organization. Associate Members may vote and serve on all ACE Committees. There may be no more than two (2) Associate Members on the ACE Board of Directors at any given time.

    Associate Membership is $275.00 per year. The membership term runs one year from the date joined.